Thursday, October 27, 2005

can I help it if.... still dream time to time?

it's good to be king
and have your own way
get a feeling of peace
at the end of the day

earl grey smells like fruitloops. bless you lad, I never would have realized that on my own.

my tea is nice, I had a nice walk with my neighbour (she bought me a french vanilla. yum :) )

this song is nice, I have nothing that I urgently need to get done... and I think I am at peace with the world.

I get new glasses tomorrow (yay! they're all pretty and stuff). also, my birthday is this sunday. should be fun. furthermore, andrew is coming up for the weekend, possibly bringing people with him. neat.

oh, and I figured out what was bugging me about andrew. it wasn't hard. that kid just doesn't have respect for his fellow human beings anymore, y'know? crying shame, he was such a nice person until he lost it. I mean, I can understand the whole 'people are dumb morons who I hate' vibe, we all get that sometimes, but he seems to have taken it way too seriously. yeah, people suck, but persons can be downright nice. that more than makes up for it, I think. hope you decide to change your ways, dear friend of mine. would a potted plant have that much anger? of course not.

a final note. I don't so much like beer, and I don't know any wine drinkers. I think I have enough hard liquor for unlimited shots, though. which makes me really happy, since I love hard expensive stuff. think we have enough shot glasses around to drink with an army, also. most of them have random german villages on them, which just makes sense to me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

what I'm gonna do

this post is a general update on my life.

school is going well. A in english, A in comp sci, A or B in calculus and chemistry, and we haven't gotten anything graded yet, but you could say that I have an A in elec, since my group is so far ahead of the others.

social/sex/relationship: null. nada. ziltch.

physical health: still a bit chubby in the waist. not really working on that. I'm eating fairly well, much better than this time last year. I fart way too much. that's the price I pay for so much fiber, I guess.

mental health: s'alright. nothing is really wrong, and while I'm non-ecstatic, I am also in no way depressed. closer and closer to attaining nirvana.

I'm gonna do some situps after this post, for the sake of said chub factor.

oh, and my cat is doing well. diabetes is still there, but he's in no real danger from it, so long as he keeps getting his morning insulin shot. he seems happy, although he'd like more attention. he's on my chest now, so I'll pet him for a while.

okay, he's done being petted for a while. I will now dispense some deep wisdom.

a few years ago, I read something about dolphin sex. on the internet, of course. I'm not sure where. I wanna say slashdot, but I'm not sure. anyhow, yes, you too can have sex with dolphins. here's what you need to know:
  • the blowhole is not a lovehole.
  • the lovehole is not exactly where it would be on a dolphin-shaped human.
  • I forget where it is, but it's not right between the legs. duh.
  • you can penetrate a dolphin, but don't let them penetrate you. a dolphin penis is something like 20 inches long, very muscular, and capable of independant movement, like a monkey tail. only more penis-ee.
  • that thing I read recommended methods for dolphin sex, described the mechanics, but I'm sure if you want to use this information you can look it up somewhere on your own. you sick bastard.
  • I love the internet. it has so, so much random awesome information like that.
speaking of things I read on slashdot, here's another inspirational story:

I was reading an article on slashdot. it was probably about a new linux distro or some new doodad with wires and blinky lights. something geeky, y'know. anyhow, I read a few of the -1 comments. for those not in the know, slashdot comments are moderated. -1 comments are comments rated as low as can be. they either contain something incredibly disturbing, something that makes no sense in a non-funny way (ie "jibber jabber" - " " for a story not about mister T.)
anyhow, it was a story someone wrote, about a shared masturbatory moment, as a child I think, with someone named 'old man mcgee' or something. old man something, anyway. it took place behind a shed, I think. I was too young to find it disturbing, btw. I wasn't at the age yet where I worried about things like "is this information unsuitable for a youth?". I hope I never reach such an age. Censoring things, especially messed up things, from children, isn't right. don't show it to them, but if they can find it on their own, they can read it. the whole thing was written in a southern accent. I read this at a tender young age when masturbation and porn were strange new ideas to me. I wonder if reading that had a profound affect on me in my formative years. hope not.

isn't that nice?

remember, you can not un-read things.

Monday, October 24, 2005

you lose your pain, lose your fear, lose your sorrow

here are some lyrics to tangerine sky, by the kottonmouth kings. it's a delightful song, and I used it for the title of my last blog. it is not about drugs, as some may be surprised to know. living without them, if the song and the subject are in any way connected.

I enjoy electrical engineering class. nothing is hard, I seem to understand everything, and the take-home midterm I just received looks like something I can answer all the questions on.

note to self: email matt and darcy the code for the hand-gripper.

the bus comes at 2:20 to take me to woodgrove. I'll get my paycheque, and deposit it, and I'll check my schedule for this week. last week I had no shifts at all, which was nice. if the renovations of the store are finished soon, I'll probably have all the work I want after that. this works out really nicely for me, as it meant no work during midterms, andrews birthday, or my birthday. life is good...

last weekend was fun. friday night was the pubcrawl, and I was 18, so I couldn't go. unfortunate, but not very. I hear it was an incredible night. I removed a small scrap of andrews feelings of computer security, which is surely a good thing. feelings of computer security are never accurate, so they're best when removed. the next day, we went for breakfast, which turned into lunch at swiss chalet. I didn't get any french toast, and the food wasn't great, but the clatchy dining experience was quite present. being on the receiving end of a lab coat is a cold experience, just as it should be. later, there was drinking (I'm a lightweight. anyone shocked this time? didn't think so), and there was also a nice walk.

I don't quite understand some peoples attitudes to shots. specifically, andrews. He gave my a double shot of whisky, and asked me if it burnt. it was a shot, though, so the general idea is that you don't feel it immidietly. Was it supposed to burn? Do others get burnt by shots? Scientists may never know for sure.

the morning after, my mouth tasted like something fairly unpleasant to taste. that didn't surprise me. I didn't eat anything, and we all sat around waking up. there was some chatting, and talk of me fixing someone's computer. Jasmine and I then left, though, so that will probably never happen. I wish the owner luck with that. On the bus, I felt incredibly hungry, and ate a meat and cheese sandwich I had on hand, which didn't help. the bus ride was painful, but for once I felt better by the end of it than I did when I started. when we returned to nanaimo, we ate at tim hortons. I had a sandwich, and I was merry. Jasmine had soup, and I assume it satiated her. then, something bizarre happened. Jasmine and a trifle named Cecil fell madly in love. that torrid affair will no doubt be described, in detail, at Jasmines blog. I would link to it, but that would start a bad trend, blog linking to blog, in some kind of hideous blogosphere filled with blogulational blogs about bloggers blogging about each other. It would be terrible, and I wouldn't feel right doing so. I'm sure you know where to go anyway, if you're going to read it.

13 minutes until the bus arrives. I think I will eat some more orange, after which I will commence waiting.

good day, citizen.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

when you say goodbye to a tangerine sky

it's 11:49! I should go to bed. but first, my day. have some poetry. I found it while searching for that 'hot like my butt' vgcats comic. y'know, see into the future, how I mine for fish, that sorta thing. I was gonna say stuff, but then I realized I really had not much to say. mmm, tea, and huzzah! my brothers box full of electronic stuff is mine for the using, with permission. it's so pretty, with the different lengths of wires, and the breadboards and leds and the like!


hold on jack! jack! jaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

as the wicked witch of worchestire said...

bother and damnation! something inconvenient has arisen.

specifically, darling andrew has a 19th bday soon, and I'm not 19. not for a full 9 days after his bday, in fact. that sucks, because that leaves me with no way to go on a pubcrawl on such short notice. if only I had a fake id, and the confidence in my abilities to not be ID'd at pubs, especially in the presence of someone who will, in all likelihood, show his id any chance each pub gives him. it is the thing to do, after all.

I suppose this is a common problem, what with most people turning 19 after at least 1 friend turns 19, but did it really have to happen to me? come now, that's inconvenient. oh well, lifes goes on. still have a ride down there, so something or other celebratory must be possible.

school is going well... a bunch of work to do, of course, but it's managable and I understand everything. I still hate english, but I am getting good marks in it this time. by which I mean handing in assignments to be marked this time.

so, I met this girl. her name is sara. she seems quite neat. by meet, I mean meet online through a shared friend. we'll go for coffee, should be nice.

and in other news, I wonder how the public employee strike is going? mala and the bus drivers are back, the high schools and elementary schools are still walking the line. I hope they win, as if they lose this organized labour won't soon recover. and young folk will continue getting worse and worse education, with 40 students per class and no AP science/math. gordon cambell, I don't like what you've done with the place. not one bit.

till next time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

there are fantastic things in this world

for example, this. I find the monty python one slightly haunting, given how it reflects my personal childhood revelations.

anyhow, my day was alright.

Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm photogenic!

life is alright. I worked at timmies yesterday, and it was nice. sure, it was outside of my listed availability, but timmies is being renovated for the next three weeks. this means:

there are hardly any customers

hardly any of those customers have cash, so we can't even take them

I spend an ass-load of my time sitting on my ass drinking tea, while nick dutifully plays videogames.
oh, and other great news. it's all 3-11 shifts recently, which means I'm working will awesome people, and not working with the crappy people. yay!

now, about the other people in my life:

there are these 2 gents, who I'll call T and little t.

if you know why, you rock.

anyhow, they're brothers.

I was in law 12 with little t. he drew real durn pretty pictures. he now has a kid on the way, and is working at the dollar giant. that's a giant minimum-wage dollar store, for those not in the know. T, the older brother, also works at the dollar giant. he seems really similiar. differences: no high school, I don't know of a baby on the way.

anyhow, they were both stoned out of their tree on the bus this morning. (when I take the second bus to school, I see them going to work. we chat. it's nice.) I wish them both good fortune, since they're both basically decent people, dumb and addicted though they may be.

oh, and is fred penner still alive? hope so, but I can't quite remember.

and a final note. y'know what sucks about people having sexual orientations, and guarding them enthusiastically? there's this guy with the most beautiful eyes ever, I saw him today, and I realize there's no way I can tell him as much, without inciting some major akwardness. suck!


Thursday, October 13, 2005

iceland world news no more!

iceland world news changed it's webpage design, so the link image I was using is gone. in replacement, Elle Scandanavia. It's made by the same fake news organization, and it got the same new layout, but hey, change is good. mudança da saraiva!

What's your problem man? Why do you think everyone different from you is an alien? I bet you think old-kid is an alien too, huh?!

So, here's my week, as I remember it:

worked at timmies 10:30-4:30, came home, ate some super-yummy turkey, then another 2 plates of that and mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, etc.
Then, piE! ate 3 pieces, then split another pie with brother and sister. a bonding experience was had by all.

still feeling full from sunday, I imagine. who knows what happened on monday. who honestly thinks I remember anything that long ago that doesn't involve carnal devouring of an innocent turkey?

see monday. oh, had a comp sci midterm. it went nicely.

slept late, had no breakfast. that huge assignment I worked till 250am writing for english? wasn't really assigned. ha ha, ha ha. oh, the hiliarity that ensued. also, forgot my bus pass so I had to pay for bus. extortion, surely.

that's today! woke up at 8:15.
PANIC! I slept through class!
COPING! It's math. I didn't miss anything I don't already know.
RELIEF! hey, it's thursday. what the crap? I don't have class till 10. rock on, sleeping in!
ECONOMICAL HUNGER SATIATION! ate some oatmeal and got some tea in the caf, both brought from home. yummy.
BLOG WRITING! then I was here, writing a blog. woah, cosmic!
SOON TO COME! I'll have a chem midterm in 15 minutes. the teacher really hates our juicy insides, so she's been making threats about this midterm for 2 weeks straight. should be fun!
I'm sure I'll do fine.
oh, and I'm working 3-11. outside of my listed availability hours! yay!

that's tomorrow. I dunno, dingus.

P.S. - mmm, grape pancake syrup that was supposed to be jelly.
P.P.S. - the test went marvelous. success!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Be cool with Star Wreck!

you know you want one. go on now, it's okay. no one will judge you, so long as you don't wear it outside of your basement.

I had to wait half an hour for breakfast this morning. luckily, it's thursday so that didn't make me late. regardless, uber-sucky. In response, I refilled my mug with french vanilla a second time, whilst paying only once.

I like my new routine. I wake up at 6:30-7:00, grab some clothes and my school stuff, and maybe some tea. hop on the bus, get to school, order breakfast, go to class if needs be, and be off by 11:30 most days. it's swell.

oh, and since I had a night class last night, I had lunch. I had some really tasty borch, but there was a hair in it. no, it wasn't mine. how the tastiness and hairiness balance out, I'll let you decide.

I have a bothersome abdominal sensation. I wonder what it is.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm not gonna fake it.

y'know, I really have no idea what's going on here. I won't even try to convince anyone that I do. that's a very special piece of furniture there. your new living room would be incomplete without it.

kindly provided by a random computer-generated spam-blog,

I'll never serve a cobblepot again, I say!

So, the weekly news you've all been waiting for:

My favourite song at work last sunday was 'Kansas - dust in the wind'. this was either because it's a nice song, or because I had 1 minute of work left when I heard it.

I can't find my bus pass. I bought a semester pass, which is just 4 monthly passes stapled together. I then put the last 3 passes somewhere for safekeeping. you know how that goes.

I've been riding the bus with music lately. I think I should get some of those headphones that cover your ears, since they may reduce bus-noise. drowning out bus-noise with louder music-noise can't be good for my ears.

Also, I think I need to buy a lot of cheap shirts at value village, and I need to start layering my clothing a lot more. It's getting cold out, being autumn and all.

I remember this tv show I watched as a kid, with a white background and 3 'rockstars' or something. They looked like KISS members, except they all had the same costume, one blue, one red, one green. They once sang about autumn. It was pretty sweet.

I've gotten better about spending money. the last couple of days, I've been catching the 7:25 bus (getting to school at about 7:45), having breakfast (either outmeal and a mug of tea (free), or the special with a mug of french vanilla capp ($4,25))

that's something I can afford, while still building up savings.

I should look into firefox calendar something or other, so I can check my schedule at school. right now, it's just sitting on my computer at home, and that won't do.

I've learned something very elderly. young folk these days are much, much cooler than young folks were back in my day. I was listening to a 12 year old (I'm totally guessing. early high school, anyway) describe a dance she went to. She was making out with some girl on the dance floor, kissing and such, when 3 of the other girls friends who were 'dancing' nearby started making out with her to, and she was sandwhiched between 4 girls, all of them quite physical. I have to say, I feel like a social hermit by comparison. I don't remember anything like that in my school daze. maybe dover really did just suck as much as we thought it did.

time to study. And by study, I mean look for bizarre fetish pornography on the upstairs library computers.
