Thursday, October 27, 2005

can I help it if.... still dream time to time?

it's good to be king
and have your own way
get a feeling of peace
at the end of the day

earl grey smells like fruitloops. bless you lad, I never would have realized that on my own.

my tea is nice, I had a nice walk with my neighbour (she bought me a french vanilla. yum :) )

this song is nice, I have nothing that I urgently need to get done... and I think I am at peace with the world.

I get new glasses tomorrow (yay! they're all pretty and stuff). also, my birthday is this sunday. should be fun. furthermore, andrew is coming up for the weekend, possibly bringing people with him. neat.

oh, and I figured out what was bugging me about andrew. it wasn't hard. that kid just doesn't have respect for his fellow human beings anymore, y'know? crying shame, he was such a nice person until he lost it. I mean, I can understand the whole 'people are dumb morons who I hate' vibe, we all get that sometimes, but he seems to have taken it way too seriously. yeah, people suck, but persons can be downright nice. that more than makes up for it, I think. hope you decide to change your ways, dear friend of mine. would a potted plant have that much anger? of course not.

a final note. I don't so much like beer, and I don't know any wine drinkers. I think I have enough hard liquor for unlimited shots, though. which makes me really happy, since I love hard expensive stuff. think we have enough shot glasses around to drink with an army, also. most of them have random german villages on them, which just makes sense to me.


At 11:24 PM, October 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol@ the Random german villages. It does make sense.

If you're doing shots, this is going to be quick. Real quick, Jim.

Jim's such a bitch! Fancy a shag?


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