Wednesday, April 26, 2006

the shape of my heart

so, I'm probably gonna go in for heart surgery. That's pretty sweet. It seems I've got exceptionally leaky valves, or something like that. Really, is life complete without open heart surgery? I'm just assuming this qualafies as "open". anyone more knowledgeable, feel free to correct me.

In other news, still haven't heard back from mike sullivan about the maid job. Hope that works out. Haven't heard from Troy about the apartment either, hope that works out. I have a backup plan, though. Apartment hunting for a few days as originally intended. And maybe I can work on a construction site. Stranger things have happened.

I've gotten accepted into uvic and uvic housing. I was already partially accepted, and I'm still not fully accepted. I guess this is lvl 3 or something.

I failed my latest roadtest. That means I probably won't have a chance to try it again for about 12 months. Not that I was gonna use it in the next 12 months anyway, but it would have been nice to be nagged about one fewer things.

I've had an interesting week, all in all. I hope next week is as exciting.


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