brr... I'm chilly
it's late. Here's todays Exciting News:
-Job Orientation today. it went well
-I have shifts, next tuesday and wednesday, 4-8pm. training shifts. gonna try to exercise all weekend.
-I think I might actually like mcdonalds, as part time jobs go. everyone is just so cynical, it's beautiful. pity about the food, though.
-andrew/me/jasmine played a rental batman xbox game. it was pretty crappy. note to self: take that back soon. probably tomorrow.
-I think that's all.
now then, it's chilly and I'm going to bed now. g'night!
short term memory loss
Glen, the manager from mcdonalds, phoned today. I was supposed to have my job orientation, but he said that he was too busy today, so he wanted to reschedule for friday. as in, 4 more days. without paid employment. Bah.
I don't actually work at mcdonalds, but I'll talk about it anyway. They all wear those tshirt-length dress shirts that bother me more than regular dress shirts, and I think they might wear ties too. and I'll have to. It's a pity. Also, I'll be surrounded by mcdonalds for long periods of time, thus tearing me between my desire to consume all that cheap cheap food product, and my mcdonalds gag reflex.
Something occured to me earlier today. When I was a young lad, I had many ethical arguments. Mcdonalds is evil, and I should never associate with it. I stand by that, I think it was a very good judgement to make, and yet I'm doing it anyway. And just so no one worries, I'm not losing any sleep over it. It just occurs to me that I'm doing something that goes directly against one of my own self-established ethical boundaries. I think this is what's called "growing up" or "adjusting to adulthood". Which is a fucking disturbing possibility.
I hope that one day, I do become an engineer, and I do become well-paid, and I do actually live off of a small portion of my salary, giving the rest away to strangers who could use it better than me. I really don't know that I will, though. I hope so.
I've also noticed that although I lack any ability to draw/sketch original things, I can copy simplistic comic characters decently. This brings me to the comics that I read today. High School Changed My Life is a nice comic, about a guy who gets sucked into a high school across the galaxy and begins adjusting to life in his new world. It's a fairly new comic, with a short archive, but many of the characters are good and it didn't cause me to painfully roll my eyes once during the entire archive, which sets it far from the bottom of the barrel, as comics go. I also read a bit of Venus Envy today, a comic about a transgendered high school student and the daily life that results. I'm not sure what I think of it, but I find myself looking at it every once in a while, reading new updates.
Oh, and one last thing before I think harder about going to bed. husband and wife. man and woman. boy and girl. guy and... girl. Two things come to mind there. First, I listed the male first in all those examples without thinking of it. Second, guys and girls. I think this resulted from 'gal' becoming a word used only in archie comics. regardless, it probably has deeper meaning. probably bad. Society-wide obsession with youth in females more than males, or society-wide disregard for females, compared to males? I don't like either, but they're the only ideas that present themselves. I've noticed signs of potential discrimination in myself, and it bothers me.
With all that off my mind for a while, g'night.
Team Evil: For all your evil needs
I got a McJob! Yay! Fulltime, probably minimum wage, and I gag over all mcdonalds products (except the muffins, which aren't great, and the pop which is water-downed-ly generic). Happy!
Know what this means kiddies? My parents will stop bitching and moaning about my lack of a job!!! YAY!!!
I'm bouncing off the walls again, woah-oh
I have a job interview tomorrow at 4! It's at McDonald's! So prestigious!
Tomorrow, I'm going to go hand out a few more resumes, I think. I have no idea where, since I've handed them out everywhere already. Even McDonald's!
Tonight, I think I won't print off any resumes. I feel kinda bored, wishing I had more of a social life. Andrew (and Shannon?) now know where this blog is, so I should totally censor all my posts. But I won't, because that'd be unhealthy. At least, I think I won't. I really have know way of knowing if I would have said things I now won't think to say, after all.
I need to exercise more, so that I can become sexy. I've given up on love (the romantic kind), so I should dedicate my life to sexing up as many people as possible, like Mick Jagger.

The beautiful Mick Jagger.
Still unemplyed...
I've handed out about 80 resumes this month. Every store I've been to is either not hiring, the person I talk to doesn't know, but will take my resume anyway, or is always hiring (fast food places). None of these are promising.
I'm thinking about moving to Edmonton like I did last summer. I'm not sure
this was a draft. I never finished it, I don't really want to, but I'll post it anyway. sort of a record of my fragmented thoughts at the time.
My toes are numb with cold...
...probably because it's night, and I have no socks on. Anyway, life is alright. I still have no job, I'm still getting rejected by places like tim hortons and wendys, but I don't feel depressed about it now. I think it's because I've convinced my parents that I'm trying to get a job, and so they aren't constantly harassing me about it. Yeah, that's definetly it.
Also, my toes are numb! I've been playing crossfire. It's 386-exercising graphics, but it's pleasantly addictive. In a nerdy kind of way, since it's a dungeon crawler.
Oh, shannon got hired at tim hortons, starting today. Yay her! she's also constantly complaining about it, so I don't know if it's going to last or not. I hope so, since more money is always good, but I also kinda hope not, because shannon is supposed to be happy, like a rainbow, and the world just isn't right when she's noticable not.
Speaking of which, I suspect Shannon is often way, way less happy than she pretends. I can't really ask, since we don't really chat about things (I don't really chat about things with anyone, actually. bad me!) Still, I worry. She chats with Andrew all the time, though, so I'm fairly sure he'll manage to make her feel a bit better. He is a cheerful-ness inspiring kind of guy.
Speaking of which, I suspect Andrew is often way, way less happy than shannon pretends to be. I don't know exactly how much, though, since his moods are confusing, like those of a girl on a crappy sitcom.
Oh well, I think it'll be fine, and I'm okay. I have friends, even if they're confusing and cause me to worry about them, I have a place to sleep at night even if I'd rather live on my own, and I have food in my stomach whenever I desire it. I really can't complain about all that. :)
It worked! It only took me about 6 tries to guess my own password! And no, I don't really read the iceland news. Nobody reads news about iceland, after all.
This is a test of the gnome blog-poster
Did it work? Is this post online? Do I really read the iceland news?
No Title
I didn't accomplish much today. I dropped of resumes at DQ and save-on-more, and I don't expect a call from either of them. I also sat around my house from the time I woke up until about 2, waiting for a call from the hiring manager of superstore. He didn't call, that jerk. I might drop by superstore tomorrow. I'll also drop off resumes at tim hortons, and where ever else I think
might be hiring. I am, as usual, not optimistic. I should work on that.
Also, my mom was driving me nuts all morning, constantly whining about my lack of a job, and how I should do a bunch of time consuming yet almost certainly useless things to get a job. She's not really qualified to complain about anyone lacking job-focus, but oh how she tries.
Anywho, Today's inspirational quote is:
In a second, I'll scream out in
pain. I am in horrible pain. A
bullet just tore a huge chunk ot of
the side of my face. I'm probably
bleeding profusely.
But at the moment, one simple fact
has paralyzed me with shock.
I'm not dead.
this is a test of the emergency warning broadcast sytem...
My first blog entry. I'm sure this will be a
deeply therapeutic experience.
Now, about myself. I just finished my first year of university (well, university-college), with marks not good enough to get into the second year of my program. this is because I slept in class. I tried not to, I was usually in bed by 11 or 12, sometimes as early as 9:30, but I was always constantly tired. I still am, actually. I didn't learn my lesson the first time through, on student loans at that, so I'm planning to take most of my courses again next year. The whole thing is a bit depressing, but so long as I learn to think of nothing but school for eight months straight, to never even try to have any kind of fun, I'll be fine.
This leads to my next problem. That is why I'm writing this blog, after all. Problems! My parents drive me insane. I gather almost every person on earth has that in common, so I'll make this short. My dad is power-tripping over his ability to kick me out of the house, and both mom and dad are constantly whining at me to do things for them. "Design a webpage for my drinking club for little or no money" "Go make me some brownies"... those sorts of things.
My neck is really, really sore. I have no idea why. As are my arms, legs, eyes, most of my body. I probably haven't been getting enough sleep. Despite the name of this blog, I don't actually get much sleep. I'm laying down, or leaning on things, and my eyes are closed, but I'm usually just laying there completely exhausted wishing I could sleep.
All things considered, I really don't have a hard life at all. I was born into the middle class, and my countries government isn't as bad as most. I dislike the BC liberals (current provincal government party) a lot, by the way. They've been cutting funding to hospitals, schools, parks and recreation, welfare, and generally everything the poorer 98% of this province needs to get by. They've also been breaking up publiclly owned companies (transporation, electricity and utilities, etc.) and selling the profitable parts of them to private foreign companies and letting logging companies log so called 'wildlife preserves', which is incredible dishonest and (in my opinion and the opinion of lots and lots of protesters) wrong.
And they've also quadrupled university/college tuition fees. those jerks.
And, with that little sub-rant done, I really don't have a hard life. I was born well-off, have never lived in a house without food and heating/electricity. My parents are married, more or less happily, and my cat can afford insulin shots for his diabetes.
Even so, I'm constantly depressed. I'm not anywhere near the level at which I'd consider commiting suicide, and I don't think I ever will be, but I'm still unsatisfied with my life as it is now, and can't seem to make it better. I think I'm going in the right direction (exercising more, working harder at school, trying to get more sleep), but it seems like I'm less happy now then back when I was just...
I just realized, I wasn't really lazier, more antisocial, anything like that, a few years ago. I didn't like high school, and I don't want to go back, but I miss it. I had a specific reason to get up in the morning, it didn't cost me any money, if I slept in class it usually didn't hurt me, I had friends who I saw every day, wether any of us really wanted to get out of bed in the morning or not. It was easier, basically. I know I had to leave eventually, and graduating at grade 12 was as good a time as any, but wow. the real world is harder. That's probably why I'm tired all the time.
I think that was at least a bit therapeutic.