tough break. if you won't take it all off for your job, your in the wrong company. that's how we do things at ibm.
I've been quitely finding my zone. I was at school today, laying back in the library. A big comfy armchair, headphones blaring wuss-rock, chatting on a computer with a bigass desk to spread my stuff on. Throw in the stack of disney movies only meters away, and that's happiness, in library form.
Came home, had some meat pie (MEAT!), rinsed my plate, and came up here to read porn and watch people strip naked on my tv. So many guys have dark buttholes. There are bleaching products available people!
Well, the naked-ing is over. Now, time for the daily news:
in jasmine news, we have a craze-rage front coming in from the eastern seaboard. As usual. This batch of rage is forcasted to last a month or two, with decreased amounts of mean social interaction on a morningly basis.
meanwhile... I just zoned out for about an hour. It's 8:35 and I'm going to bed. Yay for murray having a life!
Today I...
- went over to andrews (last night really), and passed out after an hour of crud-movie watching. I was very tired, it turns out.
- woke up at 3am at andrews. went back to sleep.
- woke up at 8am at andrews. talked to his dad, biked home.
- got a message from work. apparently I was supposed to be at work at 7:30. read the wrong week's schedule. again. maybe I'm fired, but not today. not tomorrow, either. purely because they're so desperate to have workers.
- got to work at 9:50. 2:20 hours late. sw33t!
- worked 8 hours anyway, since they were so desperate to have me. I'll probably work 8 hours tomorrow too, given how shortstaffed they are. not scheduled to, but they're needy. a-ho: when are you leaving town? can we do anything after 3:30 tomorrow afternoon?
- went to wait for bus. had to wait for 40 minutes. met a cool guy at the stop:
- we chatted. he got a degree in medicine, then became a music teacher. he has a 26yo son who is an engineer, and who had a merry time. he (the guy, not his son) travelled the world. he's been through europe, asia, and the middle east. apparently afghanistan was a much, much better place to visit back before the 1978-soviet-invasion. also, we chatted about the rest of the middle east (and my bro + dad, since they were there too, at worse times), and the benefits of travel, and cuba and my petro-engineer uncle who works there sometimes, and what a nice cheap place cuba is to visit, and I'd have fun there. also, engineering and my life plans, my family, his family, our friends, whay they do in life, and how there isn't really is no hope (he feels, and I agree) for world peace in our lifetimes, what with people and their desire for unequal relationships. also, the nature of peace and war, and... you get the idea. fascinating guy, quebec accent, lived in vancouver for 12 years, longest he's ever lived anywhere either. he's thinking he'll move to quebec in a few years. oh yeah, and his son played in a band. in case nobody caught on by my large paragraph of rambling, I like that guy. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Probably not, but it's possible.
- so yeah, got home. mom told me to wish her a happy birthday, and I did. we then went our for dessert at moxies, which was yummy mocha-kahlua cheesecake for me. yummy. and good tea, too.
- me+mom+dad then went to see aunt+step-aunt, we chatted for an hour or two, and I realized something in passing, which I later confirmed with my dad.
- I may very well have a heart murmur. isn't that neat? that could be why I get heavy pressure in my head when doing pushups, why I am sleepy and lazy all the fricking time, and why I am unable to run much without a headache. I assume these are caused by a heart murmur (well, a hole between heart chambers really) because my dad had the exact same thing growing up. at 19 he got an army doctor to crack him open and fix it though, and after two weeks, he was fine ever since. I am wondering if I can try that. And maybe even cure my mismatched breastbones at the same time. They give me character, which is always great, but they make straps on my chest and heavy things uncomfortable, and also interfere with my chances as a centerfold.
so yeah, that was my dad.
peace, y'all.
Secret worlds

I needed to post this.
Self Analysis, the perkinning
Since the weekend of andrew, school has been alright, I guess. Still have that girls textbook, need to give her my address next time this sort of thing happens. Matrix algebra was good, but I was sleepy. Engineering mechanics was boring, I need to start doing the assignments.
Jasmine, I worry about the ammount of class you miss. Just an fyi.
Now, self analysis. Partially inspired by andrews bout of religious posting.
I really wonder what is going on in the heads of "people of faith". I don't mean that in a bad way, and anyone reading this, please don't be offended, because I really don't want you to be. I just don't understand how you can believe something that you can't touch or see, in any literal sense. It seems kind of magical, and I'm kind of envious, and it all goes straight over my head.
I need a hug.
Andrewland, pt. I
Me and jasmine went down to victoria, ala hank driving. Saw jess, awesome awesome jess. I hope she's happy, haven't talked to her since that saturday morning. Jasmine, if you read this before her, tell her I said hi, and tell me how she's been.
We arrived, eventually, on campus. I like uvic so, so much. It's a kind place, at least on first impression. Longer impressions seem to match that. Andrew was downtown, so we left our junk down by his place and... why am I recapping this? andrew and jasmine are, like, the only people who read this blog, and them about once per month. The point is, it was a nice visit. I miss andrew. I wish I wasn't a zombie the whole time, as I usually am these days.
We came home, and it was merry. btw, jasmine, secret keeping and akwardness are pet peeves of mine, regarding you, of the year. But regardless, all was basically well.
It's been some time
Some time since I updated this blog. Things have happened, and I shall recite them here.
I will try for chronological order, but no promises.
After that, some self analysis. I expect this to be a long one.
Actually, this would be better as a series of posts, one per period. I'll try that.
Here's a more thorough summary of that day with lynn and james.
I was talking to lynn for the first time in ages a while ago. It sucks that none of my other friends like lynn. Jasmine has some great hidden reasoning with which she convinces everyone to hate her, but has not decided to share it with me. Much like every other Great Secret, of course. it kinda pisses me off when my friends keep me out of the loop. It doesn't matter why you're doing it, maybe you have a good reason. It still hurts.
Anyhoo, We met up by woodgrove, she got off work at 6:30. it was not just pissing rain, it was much more than that. Something impressive.
Area men and area women came to my assistance, letting me go in the mall even after it was closed, and being good people. I like good people.
I met lynn, we closed up shop, and went for the bus. We chatted for a while, life has been treating her alright. Not fantastic, but she's okay. and that's fantastic. Y'know what I mean? probably not.
We got to mgm, and had some coffee, chicken strips and chips, poutine, and I had a daquiri. however that's spelled. Really nice chat. I helped her with some chem, that made me feel nice.
Next post, the weekend of andrewing. I forget what happened between those dates, but man it must have been exciting.
ph yeah, and when I was coming home, I missed the busstop, got directions from a giggling drunk, and eventually met this guy who I think was named jasmes. He was a nice guy, finished closing up shop and offered to drive me home. I accepted. He was an interesting, nice, and likeable guy. I hope he's happy, whatever he's doing at this exact moment.
I had a nice day yesterday. I really nice guy named james drove me home from downtown. He made me happy, with his talk of a large number of engineering firms on the island his business dealt with.
Now, though, I'm kinda bored. lost my new man-purse on the bus yesterday, with 2 binders and a mechanics textbook inside. I full expect it will come back to me, though.
ho hum...
just a reminder to all you desperados

That's right, they're still available. You know you want one. You too could look this sexy.
my life is now +1 awesome
I know a furry. not just a random stranger, a friend. a friend of mine is a furry. s/he likes to dress as an animal. I find this hilarious. I should check with said friend, to determine if it is a secret, but until then I will assume it is. regardless, that hilarity has greatly enriched my life.
That is all.
me? I'm kinda fucked...
So, it's 4:33am january 1st 2006. Yay for that. I just walked back from jasmines, since I'm working 9am. should be awesome. I think I just won't sleep at all between now and then, since I don't feel tired and I'd never wake up on time if I went to bed now.
The night was fun, and in the morning-ish, just before I go to work, I think I'll play one more song on Pump It Up. I forget the name, but "I love you baby, come with me and fly away, you make me happy" and so on.
Somebody left their backback here. it's pink, and has swimming style dongles on the back. I'm guessing jess or jess's friend. I wonder how that worked out for them.
Hmm... still awake, still bored. maybe I could clean the house, or take up knitting or something. Or go to sleep anyway. We'll see.