Tuesday, January 31, 2006

tough break. if you won't take it all off for your job, your in the wrong company. that's how we do things at ibm.

I've been quitely finding my zone. I was at school today, laying back in the library. A big comfy armchair, headphones blaring wuss-rock, chatting on a computer with a bigass desk to spread my stuff on. Throw in the stack of disney movies only meters away, and that's happiness, in library form.

Came home, had some meat pie (MEAT!), rinsed my plate, and came up here to read porn and watch people strip naked on my tv. So many guys have dark buttholes. There are bleaching products available people!

Well, the naked-ing is over. Now, time for the daily news:

in jasmine news, we have a craze-rage front coming in from the eastern seaboard. As usual. This batch of rage is forcasted to last a month or two, with decreased amounts of mean social interaction on a morningly basis.

meanwhile... I just zoned out for about an hour. It's 8:35 and I'm going to bed. Yay for murray having a life!


At 2:38 PM, February 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. You really have a ton of confidence in yourself, don't you?

"in jasmine news, we have a craze-rage front coming in from the eastern seaboard. As usual. This batch of rage is forcasted to last a month or two, with decreased amounts of mean social interaction on a morningly basis."

A month or two. Hm. Looking at the sheer joy in hatred and glaring.. I forecast it lasting much longer than that.

Just for a final jabbing note: Morningly is not a word. Fool.

At 11:40 PM, February 02, 2006, Blogger Murray said...

yeah, my predictions have changed since then. I think we may actually be done with each other. for the best, I think. we have had a very, very, very negative relationship anyhow.

and you can't take away my right to make up words. nobody can do that.

At 10:09 AM, February 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh. I can do what I want.

Negative? Well.. for the past bit, yeah. It was positive for awhile, but everything dies eventually.



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