this had to happen eventually
when people on the internet talk about blogs, they usually either rant and rave about how blogging will cure herpes and enlighten the lazy masses, or they claim it's just a bunch of wankers posting pictures of their cats. On that note...
Look at the kitty. he has to wear a gigantic bandage, because he has a large hole in his leg. A bloody, large hole. He also has diabetes. I want you to focus on that for a moment. This kitty is wrapped in a bandage half the size of himself, and he'll need to carefully monitor his blood sugar while injecting himself with insulin for the rest of his life. Isn't that sad? Does that make you sad? If yes, great.
Now focus on that sadness, how it's all over a poor kitty. Take all the sadness you normally alot for yourself, and give it to the kitty. Next, take all the sadness you usually direct towards everyone you know, and give it to the kitty. Those kids on tv in starvation situations, with the stomaches bloated with hunger? they don't deserve your sadness, the kitty does. Make sure all your negative emotions are directed to the kitty, and away from everything else.
Now, if this experiment was successful, you don't have any sadness left for anything else. Be happy now, because you aren't a kitty who has to monitor his blood sugar, and be happy that those around you aren't. No matter what else is going on, be happy over this one thing.
Also, if possible, notice how happy he looks, even with his unfortunate plight. This is because he's out in the sun and has a full stomach, and that's enough for him.
Okay? Thanks.
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